About Us


Have you heard of Sinag-tala? Do you know what Sinag-tala means? Well, it means starlight in Pilipino. In book publishing, it means the company that’s on the lookout for publications that clarify and do not confuse, that uplift and do not degrade, that cheer up and do not depress, that innovate and do not retard… and make some profit in the process. That’s starlight material. That’s SINAG-TALA. That’s us. These are the books we carry.

Take The Way by St Josemarí a Escrivá for example. It has sold more than 4.5 million copies in 43 different languages, and it is still selling. It is that singular type of book that people reach out for, and reading it, would like others to have and read it too.

Be on the lookout for recent releases like The Virtues of 50 Saints, and the Catholic Bible in Pictures. These will give you food for thought and leave a certain glow.

We have other product glimmers in Training and Forming Children, Ethics in Medical Practice, The Day that Changed My Life and the complete book about Opus Dei entitled You Are the Light of the World. They all warm up the scholarly mind.

As you know, there must be books and books, but look for those that give a glow…that starlight quality of the mind.

Your friend in the book business,